
What Is <g1>?
Concept Art


3/14/02 More concept art for LowAmmo.  Hope to have some colored pics and new demo by 3/16/02.
3/14/02 New playable demo of LowAmmo.
3/13/02 Added new concept art for shockwave project.  Working title:  LowAmmo.  Check it out here.
3/12/02 Beginning planning of a small, untitled shockwave game.
3/12/02 New version of g0rpg available.  It isn't much different from the user's POV.  New source to go along with it.
3/12/02 Added a Links section and a link to Prodigy Games.
3/1/02 There's technically a new version of g0subs, but it's so similar I'm not even posting it.  We'll wait for more enhancements.  There is a g0rpg up now.  There's not much to it yet, but you can now see a few of the basics from the player perspective.  Beginning work today on g0civ.
2/25/02 Instead of putting a billion revisions of g0rpg code in the download section, that file will just change whenever I post a new one.  It's so early on in the process, I'm not even keeping old versions yet.  Still just essentially "brainstorming."
2/25/02 Version 0.04 of g0subs now available for download.  It's not much different but I tweaked the timing a lot.  How does this one "feel"?
2/20/02 g0rpg progress has been slow but steady.  I've finally made the base class and have begun adding details to it.  It handles all the dynamic addressing.  Grab it from the download section.
2/18/02 We've begun work on g0rpg.  It employs a unique and generalized "objective-setting" system for creatures.  Hooray for C++ inheritance.
2/17/02 <g1> web site online!
2/15/02 Well - after v-day celebrations and whatnot, I finally finished version 0.03 of g0subs.  It's on the download page.